Electoral College
Opinion Maps
Here is the list of the opinion maps that we are following:
- Washington Post
- New York Times Political Desk
- USA Today
- Associated Press
- Real Clear Politics
- Electoral-vote.com
- Real Clear Politics
- Fox News
- 270towin.com
- ElectionProjection.com
- Governing.com
- Cook Political Report
- NBC News
- Rothenberg Political Report
- Larry Sabato
- Wall Street Journal
- Rasmussen Reports
- Los Angeles Times
- Princetone Election Consortium
- Talking Points Memo
- Poll Headlines
- Washington Times
Even though state polls are relatively scarce at this point in the campaign, most of the opinion maps are being updated each week or so. Five however were updated one to three months ago. And the USA Today map hasn’t been updated since it was published and displays the broadest definition of a swing state and 151 tossups, the highest number of tossups on the list. (The USA Today map also shows Obama with 196 electoral votes and Romney with 191, the lowest number of Obama votes on the list.) As the campaign moves toward the conventions and then the debates, the number of polls being published can be expected to increase, along with the updating frequency of the maps.