Asian American voters may impact
Virginia and Nevada results
“ … despite
the fact that their concentration in reliably blue California limits their
potential clout, the Asian American swing vote is growing in importance. Like
2008, this year’s presidential focus will again be on the 19 combined electoral
votes of Nevada and Virginia, the two swing states with the largest Asian
American population shares: 8.4 percent and 5.6 percent, respectively.”
Democratic voter registrations exceed GOP by 2 to 1 margin
“New numbers released this week show Democrats have increased their
advantage over Republicans to 47,500 voters.
Since April, Democratic voter registration has increased by 20,500.
Republican registration in that time has increased by 9,700.
For another point of comparison that reflects poorly for Republicans,
consider that nonpartisan voters — those who pick no party to affiliate with —
increased by 11,000. And no one is actively seeking to register them.”
“While many on the right fear that Constitution Party
presidential candidate Virgil Goode might just draw enough votes in his native
Virginia to tip the Old Dominion’s 14 electoral votes from Mitt Romney to
Barack Obama, the former six-term congressman made it clear he doesn’t care.”
“ …
his candidacy has
Republicans sweating: Goode is pulling fully 9% of Virginia’s vote, according
to a mid-July Public Policy Polling survey, leaving Obama ahead of Romney 49%
to 35%. In a tight election where Virginia’s 13 electoral college votes could
make or break the Romney’s candidacy, even 2% for Goode could pull enough
Republicans away to hand the historically red state to Obama in November”.